Monday, November 2, 2009


So I've been watching a ton of movies lately, and have gotten behind. However, I am furiously catching up. I saw a movie yesterday at the dollar theater called Gamer. It was.... ok. It was like Death Race meets Surrogates, which would've been a nice combination had it not been for the convoluted plot. It just jumped around the whole movie, between the Death Race-like plot of a man on death row trying to win thirty tournaments so he can be pardoned and the Surrogates-like plot of the total disintegration of real society because of these more than virtual games. The two plots just didn't connect as well as they should have. I think that's because there were two directors. It's as if one director took the Death Race plot part of the movie and the other took Surrogates, but they didn't talk to each other. I think the film would've worked better if it had been more of an ensemble piece about a group of characters living in that virtual society with Kemble's plot as a man on death row and his wife's plot of a having a job in one of those virtual games as part of a bigger, more important story.

eh, 2 stars.

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