Monday, October 18, 2010

Warner Robins Little Theatre presents Dracula


A Drama by Hamilton Deane and John L. Balderston
From Bram Stoker's novel
Director: Fred Hardin

Play Dates: October 29, 30, 31 (mat); November 4, 5, 6; 11, 12, 13 2010
Special Halloween matinee at 2:30pm!

An enormously successful revival of this classic opened on Broadway in 1977, fifty years after the original production. This is one of the great mystery thrillers and is generally considered among the best of its kind. Lucy Seward, whose father is the doctor in charge of an English sanatorium, has been attacked by some mysterious illness. Dr. Van Helsing, a specialist, believes that the girl is the victim of a vampire, a sort of ghost that goes about at night sucking blood from its victims. The vampire is found to be a certain Count Dracula, whose ghost is at last laid to rest in a striking and novel manner. The play is intended for all who love thrills in the theater.

Location: Warner Robins Little Theatre

502 South Pleasant Hill Road, Warner Robins, GA.

Reservations begin October 25. Call between 10 AM and 5 PM 478 929-4579

All Showtimes: 8:00 pm evening, 2:30 pm matinée

Please join the cast and crew on opening night October 29th for a Green Room reception after the show.

Thank you for your continued support of Warner Robins Little Theatre

WRLT Publicity Chair

I know I know. Shameless plug. I'm the publicist for the theatre, but this play and Dracula himself have been used in many movies that it does pertain to my blog. There's nothing like watching a vampire staking in live theatre. It's gonna be a great show!

Here's a list of Dracula movies, TV shows, & VGs to get you ready for the play. For the ones I've seen I've given a rating. Please see the post-New Rating System if you are unfamiliar with it.

Bram Stoker adaptations (spoilers for play)

"Dracula" (1992)

Played by Gary Oldman



Dracula (1979)-Frank Langella as Dracula

Bram Stoker's Dracula (TV 1973)

Dracula (TV 2006)

Dracula (TV 2002)

Dracula (Video Game 1993)

Dracula's Stoker (2009)-docu


Andy Warhol's Dracula (1974)

Dracula (TV 1980)

Batman Dracula (1964) dir. by Andy Warhol

Dracula (Video 2009)

"The Simpsons"-

Treehouse of Horror XX


(2009) TV episode,

- E Pluribus Wiggum (2008) TV episode,

- You Kent Always Say What You Want (2007) TV episode,
- Brawl in the Family (2002) TV episode, all played by Dan Castellaneta

House of the Wolf Man (2009)

Way of the Vampire (2005)

Blade: Trinity (2004) played Domic Purcell-

"Noteworthy"- Good solid film

Van Helsing (2004)-played by Richard Roxburgh-

"Rather Stab A Pen In My Eye than ever watch this movie again"

Dracula 200-played by Gerard Butler -

"Dear Diary, I secretly liked this film but, I'll never tell"

"All My Children"-

Ep. 31 October 2002

"Bette" (2000-2001) ep.



"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (1997–2003)- ep. Buffy Vs. Dracula-"Noteworthy"

About Adam (2000)-

"Rather Stab A Pen In My Eye than ever watch this movie again"

Waxwork (1988)-


Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens(1922)- in German

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