Plot: Inspired by the real-life serial killer Dennis Rader, a murderer who systematically tortured and killed his victims for over two decades while evading the police for over 30 years. Told from the point of view of Rader.
Clip: Here's a clip of the real Dennis Rader so you can compare the actor to the real killer.
Starring: Kane Hodder (The Afflicted & Frozen).
Written & Directed by: Michael Feifer (Abandoned (V) & Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas)
Review: Bind. Torture. Kill. This was the MO for the one of the longest running serial killers in history, Dennis Rader. This is called the fictionalized story, but most of the elements of who he is are all there. The MO, his job, community life, town. The only difference here is that they have him committing a few murders right before he's caught, very similarly to some of the murders between '74-'91. He didn't murder anyone after 91, according to investigations. Ordinarily, fictionalizing a real event so much would bother me, but in this case it didn't because he conceivably could have continued killing up until he was caught. This film was a character study that took us right into his head. My only complaint aside from a few acting follies is the fact that they changed the sex of one of his kids. He has one daughter and one son, not two daughters. Overall though, I thought it was a low-budget but interesting interpretation on the possible inner psyche of the B.T.K. serial killer, complete with narration including a poem Rader actually wrote after he was caught. Eerie.
Art Direction-A
Visual Effects-C
** Stars
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