Plot: A cynical hockey player at the end of his career, gets the punishment of Tooth Fairy duty for two weeks to make up for "shattering dreams".
Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Independent Spirit Award Winner Ashley Judd (Ruby in Paradise), Emmy winner Stephen Merchant ("The Office"), 2 X Emmy Winner Seth MacFarlane ("Family Guy"), Oscar Winner Julie Andrews (Mary Poppins), Emmy Winner Billy Crystal {Midnight Train To Moscow (TV)}.
Review: An OK family movie with a few laughs. I can count the number of times I laughed during this movie. That's not good. That's because it wasn't that funny. It was adorable. It had some good life lessons. It was fine. I didn't hate it, but I'll probably never watch it again either. It will put you in a better mood if you're having a bad day though. I'm biased because I don't like The Rock, and the only reason I watched this film was for Ashley Judd. She is my favorite actress. She succeeded in giving her character real depth and making every moment on screen count, but they didn't give her much to work with. I don't even understand why she did this film. The "girlfriend" role is so beneath her. She's such a talented actress. I digress. I will say, though, that the young actor that played Randy was quite good. Very few kid actors really impress me. It usually seems as if they're picked for a combination of cuteness and likeness to the actor parent(s). He's actually good. If you have kids, they'll like it, and it has a good message. If you don't have kids and you're not under 13, only watch it if you're a big fan of the above cast or if you need to have your spirits lifted after a bad day. At least you'll be able to say, "At least I'm not a tooth fairy".
Art Direction-B
Visual Effects-A
** Stars-It may be growing on me a bit.
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