Plot: Crime drama based on the Patricia Cornwell novel about an ambitious DA enlisting the help of a trusted detective to help solve two seemingly separate crimes, one being a cold case from 70s about a murder of an old lady and the other being closer to home.
Starring: Andie McDowell, Daniel Sunjata, Annabeth Gish, and Oscar Winner Diahann Carroll
Review: This film was good in the first half hour and the last half hour. Everything in the middle bored me to the point of looking forward to commercial breaks so I could read a new book I just started. I blame the plot. Yes, Patricia Cornwell, it is your fault. I love murder mysteries and crime dramas. I love getting small pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that finally gets put together at the end. The problem with this film was, the individual puzzle pieces weren't interesting and led to an even lesser interesting solved puzzle. On the level of a made for TV movie, however, it was above average. It felt more like a sub-par studio movie rather than a typical made for TV movie. It gets points for that. The sequel to it, called The Front will be premiering next week. I guess I'll give that one a go too.
** Stars simply for the fact that it was decent for a Made for TV movie.
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