Thursday, January 28, 2010

Post Grad

I rented this movie for 2 reasons. 1. You never see movies about post college life. It's always pre-college, during college, or after the 20-something has graduated and already found a job. and 2. I feel like Ryden. It's hard out there even with a degree. I have a job as a publicist at a local theater company that pays me in contacts, resume padding, and freebies. In other words, it's a volunteer gig to help me get a job in an economy where no one is hiring, unless you're in sales. It was somewhat therapeutic for me to sit down and laugh at someone going through the same things I'm going through right now. It was, except for the crazy dad played by Michael Keaton in a completely miscast role. Maybe if someone who's actually funny played his part, I would want to own the movie. But, because Mr.Keaton gummed up the works, I find myself cringing at the thought of getting through his hair-brained scheming scenes again. This is sad because I actually liked the movie. It had an ending I saw coming, and yet I’m surprised that the writers had the balls to end it that way. Good for a laugh and good for anyone trying to find a job right now.


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